Bible School for the Nations
The Bible School for the Nations (BSN) is a 4-month chronological study of Genesis to Revelation that equips each participant in how to become an effective communicator of God’s Word. The BSN also tackles topics such as Biblical Worldview, Hermeneutics, Church History, Transformation of Society, the Kingdom of God, God’s Nature and Character, and much more.
Lecture: Jan. 4-May 1, 2026
Outreach: May 2-June 13, 2026
Non-refundable application fee: $40 USD
Tuition is $4,400 USD
Tuition includes housing, transportation to course-related activities, meals, course materials, and two week-long outreach trips to various US cities (housing, transportation & food included for trips)
Cost for outreach is TBA (between $2000-$4000 USD)
The BSN is geared to equip and train you to:
develop a lifelong desire to study the Bible
cultivate tools to understand and apply the Bible
become more effective communicators
apply the Bible to all areas of life and society
effectively disciple nations
understand the overall story of Scripture
Skills learned:
Inductive Bible study approach
Ability to teach the Bible in a variety of contexts
Familiar with Metanarrative of Scripture
Crafting a sermon
Crafting a Biblical teaching/Bible study
Sharing your personal testimony
Sharing the Gospel in other cultural-contexts
Applying the Biblical truth to life
Participants who complete the BSN will have the following courses completed/credits with the University of the Nations:
CHR 225 - 12 credits
CHR 125 - 4 credits
About the University of the Nations (UofN):
The University of the Nations was born out of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), a highly decentralized international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting the person of Jesus Christ to this generation and to training and equipping many believers in that endeavor. As citizens of God’s kingdom, YWAM staff seek to love, worship, and obey their Lord, to love and serve His Body, the Church, and to present the whole gospel for the whole person throughout the whole world. Learn more about the UofN here.
The BSN is broken up into 7, multi-week modules. These modules include:
Intro to Studying the Bible
The Pentateuch
Kingdom of Israel
Exile & Return
Kingdom of God
The Epistles
Discipling the Nations
Participants are also equipped with a week-long Cross-Cultural Training week before leaving for outreach.
Other elements of BSN
The BSN schedule also includes small groups, local ministry, worship, intercessory prayer, one on one accountably, and inductive Bible study. You will have the opportunity to grow in your understanding of the Bible and your skills in a live/learn environment designed to help you along in your journey in Christian community.
One unique aspect of our BSN is two, 1-week-long stateside outreach weeks built into the lecture phase to other cities around the U.S. and Canada to put into practice what you are learning. These two weeks are included in the cost of tuition.
The final portion of the BSN is a 6-week overseas outreach to partner with the church and local ministries to share the Gospel, disciple local believers, and see God’s Kingdom expand as we go to the ends of the Earth!
frequently asked questions
The BSN is open to anyone who has successfully completed a YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS).
A typical week in BSN includes daily personal time with Jesus, daily class time on that week’s topic, homework/study time, intercession and worship, local outreach opportunities, and work detail.
Globally, YWAM is united by a shared statement of purpose, belief and foundation values. Please follow this link to learn more and read YWAM’s statement of belief.